Verse from the Veda about Becoming Compassionate

Woke up today knowing the day would be beautiful, and it is, a wonderful fall day with the sun brightly shining. It is also a sad day, as I mourn the passing of Elijah Cummings, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives since 1996. Elijah forwarded legislation on voting rights and civil rights, and recently, as the Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, investigating the criminal activities of the Trump Administration. Over the summer, the Honorable Cummings was often the target of Trump’s anger. Trump tweeted a string of racist remarks, a tweet that said the representative had failed badly, and his congressional district was a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.”

Cummings responded by tweeting that he goes home to his district daily to advocate for his constituents, and such is the Veda, the Sacred Knowledge of Heaven. Become a supporter of people, yes, but support all living creatures, and encourage others to do the same. Do not harm or kill any creature so that all can enjoy life upon the earth. Treat others as you like to be treated is the Golden Rule to follow. Other than that do what you want.

During the last few months, Cummings made it clear that the country was at a crossroads under Trump’s leadership. After Robert Mueller’s appearance on Capitol Hill in late July, he said, “It’s not about not liking the president. It’s about loving democracy. It’s about loving our country… I’m begging the American people to pay attention to what is going on. Because if you want to have a democracy intact for your children, and your children’s children, and generations yet unborn we’ve got to guard this moment…this is our watch.

I will miss Representative Elijah Cummings; he was a good upstanding statesperson, a role model.

Here is a verse from the Veda about becoming compassionate.

To become a Keeper of the Flock to become wise, a worker of wonders, compassionate, and help now as ancestors of old.

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